Sex Addiction

By way of a definition, “sex addiction” is described as a compulsive need to perform sexual acts in order to achieve the kind of “fix” that a person with alcohol use disorder gets from a drink or someone with opiate use disorder gets from using opiates. For some people, sex addiction can be highly dangerous and result in considerable difficulties with relationships. Like drug or alcohol dependence, it has the potential to negatively impact a person’s physical and mental health, personal relationships, quality of life, and safety. It’s believed that a person with sex addiction will seek out multiple sex partners, though this in itself is not necessarily a sign of a disorder. Some report that it may manifest itself as a compulsive need to masturbate, view pornography, or be in sexually stimulating situations. A person with sex addiction may significantly alter their life and activities in order to perform sexual acts multiple times a day and are reportedly unable to control their behaviour, despite severe negative consequences.

What are the symptoms of sex addiction? 
A person may have a sex addiction if they show some or all of the following signs:
1. Chronic, obsessive sexual thoughts and fantasies
2. Compulsive relations with multiple partners, including strangers
3. Lying to cover behaviours
4. Preoccupation with having sex, even when it interferes with daily life, productivity, work performance, and so on.
5. Inability to stop or control the behaviours
6. Putting oneself or others in danger due to sexual behaviour
7. Feeling remorse or guilt after sex
8. Experiencing other negative personal or professional consequences

Compulsive behaviours can strain relationships, for example, with the stress of infidelity — although some people may claim to have a sex addiction as a way to explain infidelity in a relationship.

It’s important to remember that enjoying sexual activity is not a sign of sex addiction. Sex is a healthy human activity, and enjoying it is normal. In addition, differences in the level of sexual interest between partners does not mean that one partner has a sex addiction.